Program Vision
Clarksville Montgomery School System works diligently to ensure all learners graduate college and career ready. The English learner program exists to ensure English learners make substantial gains in their English language proficiency while taking part in the curriculum of the school. We strive to ensure language, literacy, and learning content standards are a seamless process.
English Learner Identification Process
Once you begin the registration process, you will be asked to fill out the Home Language Survey which asks questions regarding what language is used by your student. This survey is given to all families due to the requirement of the State of Tennessee. If the student has a language other than English in their background, the students are assessed with an English language screener to determine if EL services are needed. This information is collected by the Home Language Survey used during the registration process.
The assessment results will be given to the family. If your child is proficient on the assessment, English learner services will not be provided; however, if your child is not proficient, your student(s) will qualify for EL services. You have the right to waive services; however, the student remains identified as an English learner and must take the annual English language proficiency test until they are proficient by the State’s predetermined scores.
If you have any questions regarding services, we are happy to answer them. If you do not understand or speak English well, we have supports in place to help with interpretation. Please let us know if you need an interpreter, and we will work to provide you with this service.