Stakeholder Groups
Representative stakeholder groups meet with school administrators on a regular basis. The groups include:
Classified Representative Communications Group
District Liaison: Melissa Izatt, Chief Human Resources Officer
The Classified Representatives consist of employees from across the school system who serve in classified roles, such as administrative assistants, educational assistants, custodians, and other similar positions. Representatives for their school or work location have an opportunity to receive updates from the district on progress toward strategic work and have the opportunity to ask questions of Senior Leadership about key issues that affect classified employees. Classified employees also have opportunities to offer feedback on key aspects of the district’s work during these meetings.
Parent Advisory Council
District Liaisons: Dr. Angela Huff, Chief of Staff
The parent advisory group consists of one parent representative from each CMCSS school who are selected by principals. Parents have the opportunity each month to hear updates from the Director of Schools, provide feedback, and presentations from district leaders about important initiatives in the district. Parents also have the opportunity to ask questions of the Director and district leaders who are present for the meeting.
Student Advisory Group
District Liaison: Christy Houston, Director of High Schools
The Student Advisory Group consists of two student representatives from each of the 8 traditional CMCSS high schools, CMCSS K-12 Virtual, Middle College, and Early Technical College, who are chosen by their school principal. The students meet regularly to receive updates from the Director of High Schools and share their feedback from a student perspective on how things are going for the school year. Students also complete a “legacy project” that encourages them to think about how they can give back to their individual school communities and leave their mark on their school for that year.
Teachers Communications Groups
District Liaison: Dr. Schanda Doughty, Chief Academic Officer
There are two different communication groups for teachers – one that consists of elementary teachers and one that consists of secondary teachers (middle and high). These groups meet separately every other month, with occasional meetings at the beginning and end of the year with both groups present. Teachers have the opportunity to share questions and concerns from other certified employees in their buildings, hear from district leaders about progress toward strategic work, and provide feedback to the Chief Academic Officer and their respective Level and Curriculum Directors about the school year.
Committee members are selected based on recommendations by principals, administrators, and community leaders and are named at the beginning of each school year. Please contact the District Liaison assigned to each committee for more information.