Instruction & Curriculum


Our mission is to maximize the use of resources in support of student achievement.


Special Populations/Student Support

(The Department of Special Populations)

Special Populations Family Site

To view resources and information for families regarding Special Populations, click the link above.

Section 504 Family Hub

To view resources and information for families regarding Section 504, click the link above.

What is Section 504

The Section 504 Rehabilitation Act Program (Section 504) is a civil rights law that enables a student with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities to receive accommodations and/or related services to ensure equal access to education.
A Section 504 plan is not an Individual Education Plan (IEP) through Special Education. It is a formal plan written by the 504 team, that provides accommodations for those who have an impairment that substantially impacts their lives in school and needs scaffolding to access the instruction. Not all students with a medical diagnosis will qualify for a 504 plan, however, a Section 504 plan is not required for a teacher to provide an accommodation. Great teachers provide accommodations for their students through differentiation and individualization each and every day.
Any student who needs or is believed to need Section 504 accommodations and/or services because of a disability or suspected disability, should be referred for evaluation for eligibility to the school’s Section 504 Coordinator.

Additional Resources

Commonly Used Acronyms

Procedural Safeguards 
A full explanation of procedural safeguards available under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), U.S. Department of Education regulations and Tennessee law and regulations.

Procedural Safeguards, Spanish 
Aviso de Garantías Procesales en virtud de la ley IDEA, los reglamentos del Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos, y las leyes y reglamentos de Tennessee.

Program Placements
Special Populations Program Placements, 2020-2021

Tennessee Department of Education, Division of Special Education 
Information for Parents and Educators regarding Special Education resources.

Tennessee State Personnel Development Grant
The Tennessee State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) supports children with special needs, preschool through high school, and their families in the development of language, communication, mathematics, pre-literacy and literacy skills to ensure academic achievement. The Tennessee State Personnel Development Grant is administered through the Tennessee Department of Education, Division of Special Education


Letter to Parents Regarding Student Records

Special Education Record Procedure

Transition Resources for Students with Disabilities

Transition Resources (Combines all of the resources below in one file)

Resources for Employment/Education
Resources for Health, Legal, and Social Services
Resources for Housing/Low Income Housing
Resources for Programs and Agencies
Resources for Sports/Activities
Resources for Successful Transition
Resources for Transportation
Support Organizations for Families