Instruction & Curriculum


Our mission is to maximize the use of resources in support of student achievement.


Student Attendance (STS-A002)

The Compulsory School Attendance Law in Tennessee (TCA-49-6-3001) requires children (ages 6-17 inclusive) to attend school each day. Students who accumulate five (5) days of unexcused absences will be required to participate in a conference with their parent/legal guardian and may be referred to Juvenile Court according to the CMCSS Progressive Truancy Intervention Plan (STS-P010). The following are official or adequate excuses that should be turned in to the Attendance Secretary by fax, email, or in person at the school front office:

  • Parents or legal guardians may submit notes for students to be excused up to five (5) days per school year for any reason.
  • Medical note (doctor, dentist, hospital, etc.) for which the student was a patient
  • Court note for which the student was required to be in court
  • Funeral notice (obituary/funeral program of a family member)
  • Military deployment paperwork-for military dependents, TN Law (TCA 49-6-3019) allows the following for out of country deployments:
    • 1 excused absence when the parent leaves for deployment
    • 1 excused absence when the parent returns at the end of a deployment
    • Up to ten (10) days excused absences when the parent is home from the deployment for Rest and Recuperation
    • In addition, local policy allows up to five (5) consecutive days of excused absences (either before or after the deployment) when the parent deployment is less than twelve (12) months
    • Military paperwork/documentation MUST be provided to the school for these to be excused.

For high school and middle school classes, an absence per class is defined as missing ten (10) or more minutes of the class period.

Make-up work: (Including suspension and remandment) Upon the first day of returning to school, it is the student’s responsibility to make contact with the teacher(s) regarding make-up work. During the school year, make-up work must be completed within a number of days equal to the number of consecutive days of the absences. A grade of “0” shall be entered into the teacher’s grade book for any missing work until the assignments have been completed and turned in.

Out-of-school suspensions shall be deemed unexcused absences.

For a pdf version of STS-A002, click here.

Progressive Truancy Plan Resources and Supports for Families

Clothing, Mental & Physical Health Supports: Contact your child’s School Counselor

Families in Transition (homelessness): Contact Donna Brann, [email protected], or Hayley Stoebner, [email protected], or call 931-802-4415.

Food: Contact the Child Nutrition Department at 931- 920-7842. If you feel your child is eligible for free or reduced meals, register online at

Academic Support: Contact your child’s School Counselor or Student Support Coordinator