Student Identification Cards
What are student ID cards?
During the 2022-2023 school year, several CMCSS schools participated in a pilot program for student identification cards. CMCSS will be expanding implementation to all elementary schools in 2023-2024. The student ID cards use Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology to monitor when students get on or off a CMCSS school bus and allow students to use them when purchasing breakfast or lunch items. At no time do the ID cards track or monitor a student’s location in any way. Student identification cards will not have a photo ID but will have their personal QR code, which assists with logging into school-issued laptops. Cards will not contain any information, including home address, birth date, health-related information, or other personal details.
Student ID cards are part of the Transportation Student Accountability System, which will combine two practices to enhance safety, security, and efficiency for students and families.
How will student ID cards be used?
In the Cafeteria
In the school cafeteria, students will use their ID cards to check out when purchasing breakfast or lunch items. Parents and guardians will continue to load money using their SchoolCafe account. The new student ID card will be linked to the SchoolCafe account.
On the School Bus
Students will be required to scan their ID cards when entering and exiting the school bus. Card readers on buses will account for the students’ movement, so transportation employees and principals will know when students are on the bus. At no time will the ID cards track or monitor a student’s location in any way.
In the Library
Students may use their ID cards when checking out resources from the school library. Scanning the cards provides a fast, convenient way for students to access materials.
Helpful Resources for Students
Families, watch the video below with your elementary children, so they can see how and where to use their student ID card this year!