Please note: This article was originally posted during a previous school year. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year. The CMCSS Technology Team is the epitome of adaptability. While having the ability to predict when a laptop, printer, or an entire server will suddenly go haywire would be helpful, it is not always possible. This is where the quick-thinking and dedicated patience of the Technology employees is critical. This team adapts to any possible problem and their solutions-oriented approach ensures our district is always up and running. Technology Team, we appreciate your ability to diagnose, analyze, research, and conceptualize in complex ways. Your skills bring CMCSS to the forefront of school districts across the country. Plus, you do it all with a smile. Thank you, for your unwavering commitment to our district. The students and staff feel confident knowing they can turn to you for support and guidance. Thank you for always being willing to lend a hand and assist. Even when it’s simply to turn the machine off and back on again.

Student Spotlight: One Kind Word
November 17th, 2021
Students across the district shared how kind words have the power to change lives. Justice Jefferson, a student at Clarksville High, explained his perspective, “One kind word is like putting a drop of ink into a jar of water. You’re putting that bit of kindness into who they are, and you can allow it to spread.”