PIE Partners Honored
September 7, 2012
Please note: This article was originally published on 9/7/2012. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year.

The annual Partners in Education Breakfast, sponsored by the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System and the Clarksville Area Chamber of Commerce, honored more than 150 businesses, religious and military organizations for their support of local schools.
Twelve organizations received top recognitions for their exceptional commitment to helping students, teachers and the community’s public schools. The top recipient was Hemlock Semiconductor, which received the Sarah Ditmore Cooper Award for the number of hours the company has invested in advocating, attending meetings, rallying other businesses to provide support and helping to drive many Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) efforts in the community. Over the past two years, Hemlock Semiconductor’s Site Manager Terry Strange has served on steering committees for STEM Advisory boards, the Career Technical Education advisory board, grant proposal and review committees, Education Foundation board and in other high level volunteer positions for the district. The company also was instrumental in driving change for the community in the level of support for public education. Over the past two years, Hemlock has assisted the school system with applying for and receiving grants to support 15 teachers participating in the externship program; provided funding for various technologies for STEM; and providing nearly $140,000 to support STEM.
Other awards presented included: the Corporate Partner Award to Bridgestone Metalpha; Bi County Solid Waste Management and Winn Materials received the Commitment Award; Grace Community Church and Papa Rock received the Partner Service Award; the 175th Brigade, 4th Battalion 320th Artillary Division and 1st Battalion Aviation Brigade each received Boots on the Ground Awards; Exit 1 Realty received the Innovative Partner Award; and Publix and Furniture Connection both received the Rising New Partner Award.