Students Interview Veterans for Essay Project
September 12, 2012
Please note: This article was originally published on 9/12/2012. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year.

Students in Clarksville-Montgomery County have the opportunity to learn more about this community’s military veterans in the Kiwanis Club’s Annual Memories of Service and Sacrifice” Interview A Veteran Essay Contest.
Students in grades 6-12 in Montgomery County and Ft. Campbell are eligible to participate. This year’s essay title and focus should be “Why I Served and How it Changed My Life.” Essays must include the veteran’s (or active duty service member’s) service branch, rank, and dates of esrvice. The essay should reflect the student’s understanding of the veteran’s or active duty soldier’s service experience. Research is encouraged. Essays must be submitted to the students’ schools by Oct. 18.
The top three school essays will be chosen at the school level and submitted for review by a panel of veterans and military history professors. Each school winner will receive a plaque and a $100 gift card. Grand Division winners will receive a U.S. flag which has been flown over the U.S. Capitol, a special patriotic award and $100 in cash. School and Grand Division winners will be invited to attend the Kiwanis Club luncheon and Veterans Day program on Nov. 13.
Click here to read the rules and access the student submission form.