Director of Curriculum and Instruction for Grades 9-12 Selected
February 25, 2013
Please note: This article was originally published on 2/25/2013. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year.

Dayna Paine, who has served as an academic coach at Northeast High School, has been named CMCSS Director of Curriculum and Instruction for grades 9-12, a position created to fully implement Common Core Curriculum in high schools. Mrs. Paine earned her master’s degree in English education from the University of Georgia and a B.A. in elementary education from Clemson University.
She previously served as English teacher and lead mentor at Northeast High. Other academic experience includes being an English teacher and literacy coach at Gila Ridge High School in Yuma, Ariz. She also held a position as secondary schools literacy coach and READ 180 coordinator for CMCSS.
“Dayna has gained the confidence of high school principals and teachers alike as she has co-led professional development with consulting teachers in our district. We are excited to have her level of professionalism and understanding of high school curriculum in this new role,” according to Chief Academic Officer Dr. Sean Impeartrice.