First All-County Track Meet Set
April 24, 2013
Please note: This article was originally published on 4/24/2013. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year.

1st Montgomery County District Championship Track Meet
– When: May 2nd -3rd, 2013
– Where: West Creek High Stadium
– Time: 4:30p.m. on both days
– Entry: $5
– Schools: CHS, NWHS, NEHS, MCHS, KHS, RHS, WCHS, and FCHS Please come and support these well deserving student-athletes! There will be an all-district senior night recognition as well! This will be the first time that the County has had a championship meet in recent history. Please help the high schools in trying to build the participation in the sport of track and field in the Montgomery County area!