Q: In cases of inclement weather, how will I know if schools are closed?
May 30, 2013
Please note: This article was originally published on 5/30/2013. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year.

A: We notify students and parents of schedule changes due to weather in a variety of ways. If schools are closed, delayed, or closing early, we will send a notification through SchoolMessenger. This alert will be sent to the number on the student’s emergency card so be sure to keep this information up to date. In the event of an emergency situation, the notification can be sent to all numbers provided (up to six).
Information about changes due to weather can also be found on the homepage of cmcss.net. This includes when buses are running rain or inclement weather routes as well as school closures. We also report closures and delays to the Clarksville and Nashville media.
For more frequently asked questions and answers, go to: https://www.cmcss.net/students/faqs.aspx