Five CMCSS Schools Recognized in State’s Top 5 Percent
August 19, 2013
Please note: This article was originally published on 8/19/2013. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year.

The Tennessee Department of Education recognized five CMCSS schools as being in the top five percent of schools statewide in one of two categories naming them “Reward Schools.”
Reward schools may fall into one of two categories: the top five percent as measured by one year of success on student performance; or the top five percent as measured by one year of student growth. This year’s recognition went to Glenellen and Norman Smith Elementary Schools for student growth; and to Rossview Elementary, Sango Elementary and Middle College High School for student performance.
“We are proud of our Reward Schools and the work that they’ve done,” said Chief Academic Officer Dr. Sean Impeartrice. “We also are pleased to see the intense and focused work going on across the district with improvement in 30 of 41 subgroup targets.”
To see a video on the news, click here: