$40,000 Presented to Health Sciences Academy
January 31, 2014
Please note: This article was originally published on 1/31/2014. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year.

Premier Medical Group and the Clarksville-Montgomery County Education Foundation presented a $40,000 check to the Health Sciences Academy at Northwest High School. The check will be used to purchase laptops for every student in the Academy. From left are: Dr. B.J. Worthington, Director of Schools; Northwest Principal Bryan Johnson; Premier Medical Dr. Peter Silkowski; Academy Administrator Theresa Muckleroy; Foundation President William Beach; Foundation member Tommy Bates; Foundation Board Member Emeritus Rudy Johnson; Foundation member and Premier Medical Group Administrator Lloyd Matson; and Foundation Executive Director Candy Johnson.
The presentation was made at a Business After Schools event at Clarksville High School, where all of the academies were showcased.