CMCSS Freshmen to Get Motivated
October 7, 2014
Please note: This article was originally published on 10/7/2014. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year.

The CMC Education Foundation, 100% Graduation Committee and event sponsors announce the 3rd Annual Get Motivated…2018 (the year these freshmen will graduate) assembly for all Clarksville-Montgomery County freshmen. This assembly will be held on the campus of Austin Peay State University at the Dunn Center on Thursday, Oct. 9.
Our motivational speaker this year is David Edward Garcia, a renowned worldwide youth motivational speaker and author. David empathizes with students who face challenges because he was once considered an “at-risk student” himself before defying the odds and graduating with a bachelor’s degree andcontinuing on to earn his master’s degree. He will give students real-life examples through an interactive motivational seminar. Additional topics David will address are as follows:
- * How to stay positive when facing challenges
- * How to be free from negative influences
- * How to avoid destructive behavior cycles
- * Why education is THE KEY to your dreams
- * How to understand your true potential
- * How to get and stay motivated for life