CMCSS’ 24th Elementary School to be Led by Veteran Educator
October 23, 2014
Please note: This article was originally published on 10/23/2014. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year.

Cindy Adams, current principal of Glenellen Elementary School, has been named as the principal for Oakland Elementary School, which opens in August 2015.
Mrs. Adams has 15 years’ experience in the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System from serving as a teacher at Norman Smith Elementary, assistant principal at Sango, Glenellen, and Cumberland Heights Elementaries, and as Glenellen’s principal for six years. She earned her Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Supervision from Trevecca Nazarene University. She received a B.S. in interdisciplinary studies, elementary education from Austin Peay State University.
While at Glenellen, one of the district’s largest elementary schools, she led the school to earn its standing as a Tennessee Reward School for growth in the 2013 school year. “CMCSS has been and continues to be the defining difference in my professional life. Based on my passion to provide a quality education and unwavering commitment to my district and its students, I am very grateful to be selected as principal of Oakland Elementary School,” Mrs. Adams said.
She will begin her duties in January 2015 to prepare for the school’s August opening. The open principalship at Glenellen will be posted immediately.