State Report Card Released
October 30, 2014
Please note: This article was originally published on 10/30/2014. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year.

The state Department of Education released its annual report card on Tennessee school districts. In achievement, CMCSS scored the same as last year with three A’s in math, science and social studies and one B in reading. In value-added or growth data, CMCSS reported an A in math; a C in reading; a C in science; and an A in social studies.
Kimi Sucharski, district data analyst, noted that a grade of “C” indicates that students performed at the expected target. An “A” or “B” indicates that students performed above the expected target. Unlike elementary and middle schools, high schools receive status scores that are based on the students’ predicted achievement and expected growth calculated from prior performance on state assessments. Status scores of “above” means the schools exceeded targets, “below” means the schools did not meet targets, and “NDD” (or no detectable difference) means the schools met their targets.
“There is definitely a focus on teaching and learning in the schools as we seek to provide quality lessons daily“ said B.J. Worthington, Director of Schools. “The achievement we have had can be attributed directly to the time and preparation of the administrators and teachers in the schools. As evidenced by the achievement scores, we can see that students are being successful in the classroom. We couple this summative information with other data sources to guide the district and schools’ work.”
The district expected to see some lower results in growth as teachers have been working from two sets of curriculum standards coupled with a more rigorous end of the year assessment. In CMCSS, middle school scores tended to mirror the same trends as other districts.
“We will continue to support our schools with quality professional development designed at both the district and school levels. We are pleased with high school growth levels, but are aware we have areas that need improvement,” Worthington added.