Tennessee Education Standards Review
November 17, 2014
Please note: This article was originally published on 11/17/2014. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year.

Gov. Haslam unveiled a website, https://apps.tn.gov/tcas/, where Tennesseans can review and comment on the state’s current K-12 academic standards in English language arts (ELA) and math. Every Tennessean now has the opportunity to go online, review the more than 2,000 individual ELA and math standards, and provide specific feedback about them. The Southern Regional Education Board, as a third party and independent resource, will collect the data from the website in the spring, and then turn that information over to be reviewed and analyzed by two committees and six advisory teams comprised of Tennessee educators. The advisory teams will review Tennessee’s current standards and gather input to make recommendations to the two committees, which will then propose changes to the State Board of Education. While this review process unfolds, the current standards will continue to be in effect. For a fact sheet of answers to frequently asked questions, please click here.