Open Enrollment Available
January 9, 2015
Please note: This article was originally published on 1/9/2015. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year.

Specific grade levels in 10 elementary schools and four middle schools are available for open enrollment for the 2017-18 school year now through Feb. 6. The School System has developed a limited open enrollment policy for students who wish to attend a school or program outside the area for which they are zoned.
The elementary schools and grade levels open include: Byrns Darden: K, 2nd, 4th ; Carmel: 1st, 3rd; Cumberland Heights: 3rd, 4th; East Montgomery: K, 1st, 2nd; Montgomery Central: K; Moore Magnet*: K, 3rd, 4th, 5th; Pisgah: K, 1st; Ringgold: 2nd; Rossview: 1st, 3rd; and St. Bethlehem: K.
*For Moore Magnet, students must meet entrance requirements which can be obtained either at Moore or on the website.
The middle schools open include: Kenwood Middle: 7th, 8th; Montgomery Central Middle: 6th, 7th, 8th; New Providence Middle: 8th; and Richview Middle: 6th, 8th.
Space for Open Enrollment is limited to only the specific schools and grades listed. Each grade listed has a limited number of available seats. If more requests are received than available seats, a lottery drawing will be held.
The guidelines and application form can be found at
or at the schools listed as open enrollment schools.