Vaughn Named Elementary Curriculum Lead, Hedrick Takes Over as Sango Principal
January 29, 2015
Please note: This article was originally published on 1/29/2015. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year.

Emily Vaughn has been named elementary and middle schools director of curriculum and instruction for CMCSS, replacing Sallie Armstrong who is retiring this school year. Mrs. Vaughn, who has served as principal at Sango Elementary since 2009 and in assistant principalships at Moore Magnet and Montgomery Central Elementary Schools, joined CMCSS in 1998 as a classroom teacher. She earned her master of arts in education, instructional leadership and her B.S. in interdisciplinary studies from Austin Peay State University.
Sango’s current assistant principal, Erin Hedrick, will step in as Sango principal. Mrs. Hedrick has been an administrator at Sango since 2008. Previously she was a classroom teacher at Sango, where she began her career in 2000. She earned her master of arts in education from Austin Peay State University, where she also received her bachelor of science.