NEHS Principal Named for 16-17
May 2, 2016
Please note: This article was originally published on 5/2/2016. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year.

Tavis Massey has been named principal of Northeast High School, replacing Garry Chadwell who was appointed assistant principal at Kenwood High School.
Massey, who has served as assistant principal at Northeast High School since 2012, earned his master of education degree from Tennessee State University, where he also earned a B.S. in business administration. He served as academy principal at Metropolitan Nashville’s Pearl-Cohn Entertainment Magnet High School for six years. He also has six years of teaching experience in middle and elementary schools in Metro Nashville Schools.
Other accomplishments include:
The Tennessee Academy for School Leaders
· Professional Administration License
· Title I Advisory Board
· Partners in Education, (PIE) Among his accomplishments are starting the 1st Annual Career Day at NEHS.
· TN Lead Grant, High Potential Assistant Principal(2013-14)
· Athletic Director
· Computer Programming and Gaming Academy: “Recognized by Voya Financial as 2015 Voya Unsung Hero Award; for innovative and creative teaching strategies and methods as an Instructional Leader.
· Emergency Management Team Coordinator & Alternate Incident Commander
· CCSS, Leadership Training State of Tennessee