It’s Almost Graduation Time!
May 18, 2016
Please note: This article was originally published on 5/18/2016. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year.

The 2016 graduating classes of CMCSS will begin ceremonies on Thursday, May 26 in the Dunn Center at Austin Peay State University, with live web streaming available. Congratulations to these young men and women as they prepare to enter the world of college and career.
Go here for live web streaming:
Middle College | 26-May | 10AM |
Adult Ed | 26-May | 1PM |
CHS | 26-May | 4PM |
NWHS | 26-May | 7PM |
NEHS | 27-May | 4PM |
MCHS | 27-May | 7PM |
KHS | 28-May | 9AM |
WCHS | 28-May | 12PM |
RHS | 28-May | 3PM |
All times are Central Daylight Saving.
Each graduation will be live webstreamed at the time indicated above. To order copies of the graduation exercise, complete and turn in this form: