2016-17 Freshman Orientation
July 24, 2016
Please note: This article was originally published on 7/24/2016. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year.

Freshmen Orientation is an opportunity for incoming freshmen students to become acclimated with the high school setting. During this time, students will tour the building, meet teachers, review schedules, learn about clubs/activities and several other areas related to their school. We welcome parents to attend these campus-based orientations to learn more about what each school has to offer as we prepare their students for a successful high school experience. Schools that have “Freshmen Focus” will communicate additional details about their orientations via SchoolMessenger.
Freshman Orientation Schedule
Clarksville High School – August 5th from 7:30am to 10:30am
Kenwood High School – August 5th from 7:30am to 10:30am
Montgomery Central High School – July 25th & 26th from 9am to noon on both days
Northeast High School – August 5th from 7:30am to 10:30am
Northwest High School – August 5th from 7:30am to 10:30am
Rossview High School – July 26th & 27th from 2:00pm to 5pm on both days
West Creek High School – July 27th & 28th from 9am to noon on both days
Note: Transportation will be provided for schools that that have orientation on August 5th.