Clarksville-Montgomery County Industrial Development Board Acquires Land for new CMCSS Campus
November 13, 2020
Please note: This article was originally posted during a previous school year. Information and/or dates from past events
may be not be relevant for the current school year.
The Clarksville-Montgomery County Industrial Development Board (IDB) voted to move forward with the purchase of 116 acres of farmland near Rossview Road at the September meeting. The tract of land purchased is located along 1-24 near exit 8 near Hayes Lane and Rossview Road; and is the site of a new Clarksville-Montgomery County School System (CMCSS) Campus, with plans for an elementary, middle, high school, transportation facility, and athletic fields.
The IDB will serve as the buyer and financial conduit for the site; after the pad site for the middle school is completed IDB will transfer the deed for the land to CMCSS who in collaboration with Montgomery County will oversee the design and construction of the Campus. The first building on the campus, the middle school, is slated to be complete by the fall of 2022.
“The IDB is pleased to assist Montgomery County and CMCSS in building new learning facilities for our youth to support the future growth of our steadily expanding community,” said Frank Tate, Executive Director of the Clarksville-Montgomery County Industrial Development Board, “We are happy to help facilitate the swift turnaround on this investment; supporting the community at this level
enhances the quality of life in Clarksville-Montgomery County, which is a key role of the IDB.
“This was a collaborative effort to get the best offer for our school system and our community. I
appreciate the work that all parties have contributed and will continue to contribute towards this crucial
project for the students and families of Montgomery County” stated Montgomery County Mayor Jim
“CMCSS is excited about this opportunity to partner with local leadership to accomplish a much-needed
project to address school capacities as our community continues to grow,” said Millard House, Director
of Schools, Clarksville-Montgomery County School System.

Aerial view of the property off Rossview and Kirkwood Rds.
This release was provided by the Clarksville-Montgomery County Industrial Development Board.
Michelle Hueffmeier
Vice President of Communications & Marketing
Clarksville Montgomery County
Economic Development Council
[email protected]