Onsite Clinic administering 1,200 COVID-19 vaccines to school system employees by Saturday
March 2, 2021
Please note: This article was originally posted during a previous school year. Information and/or dates from past events
may be not be relevant for the current school year.

CMCSS Employee receives a COVID-19 vaccination at Onsite Clinic.
By Saturday afternoon, Onsite Clinic expects to have administered 1,200 COVID-19 vaccines to Clarksville-Montgomery County School System (CMCSS) employees since last Friday.
Onsite is scheduled to receive 700 doses of the Moderna vaccine this week.
Last week, Onsite received 500 doses of the Moderna vaccine and designated the first doses for high-priority patients, those with health comorbidities or over the age of 65. Additionally, Onsite prioritized last week’s vaccines for those who have daily, in-person contact with students. Onsite administered these 500 vaccines to employees by appointment only on Fri., Feb. 26 and Mon., Mar. 1.
With the additional 700 doses, Onsite is opening vaccine sign-ups to all CMCSS employees. This round of vaccines will be administered to CMCSS employees by appointment only on Sat., Mar. 6.
On a week-by-week basis, Onsite receives information about its vaccine allocation details, including estimated delivery date, quantity, and type. Onsite has not yet received specific information about allocations beyond this week.
In Dec. 2020 and Jan. 2021, CMCSS dispatched surveys to gauge employees’ interest in receiving the vaccine. Around 2,500 employees, close to 50 percent of CMCSS’ more than 5,100 employees, expressed an interest in receiving the vaccine.
About Onsite: Onsite offers primary care, physicals, specialty referrals, lab, infusion services, and behavioral health services to CMCSS and Montgomery County employees as well as their insured dependents. Onsite operates a Main Clinic in Clarksville-Montgomery County’s Veterans Plaza and five satellite clinics strategically located on CMCSS properties around the community.

COVID-19 vaccine distribution began in February 2021 for CMCSS employees.