Pre-Practical Nursing Program for HS Seniors
July 7, 2021
Please note: This article was originally posted during a previous school year. Information and/or dates from past events
may be not be relevant for the current school year.
Pre-Practical Nursing Opportunity for Rising Seniors 2021-2022
Will you be a CMCSS senior during the 2021-2022 school year? Are you interested in becoming a nurse after high school graduation? The Pre-Practical Nursing Program may be for you!
Virtual Information Sessions
Thursday, July 8 at 11:00 am:
Thursday, July 8 at 5:30 pm:
Tuesday, July 13 at 6:00 pm:
Three trimester (1 year) certification program through TCAT.
Students study basic nursing skills and related subjects such as body structure and function, nutrition, pharmacology, obstetrics, and psychology. Clinical experience provides supervised nursing care of medical, surgical, obstetric, and pediatric patients. Both classroom work and clinical experiences are such that upon completion of the course, the graduate is eligible for the State Board of Nursing’s written examination. Licensed practical nurses who have passed their examination usually work under the supervision of the registered nurse or physician.
Pre-Practical Nursing
High school students will have the opportunity to complete the first trimester of the TCAT’s Practical Nursing Program free of charge while still in high school.
- Half of the day (up to four class periods) will consist of core HS graduation requirements. Students may complete these courses traditionally at their zoned school or through an online platform as an enrolled student in the Early Technical College at TCAT.
- Students will complete three hours of pre-practical nursing classes at TCAT from 2:30 – 5:30 pm each day, Monday – Friday.
CMCSS can only provide transportation to and from the TCAT if a student participates in the program through enrollment in the Early Technical College. All books, uniforms, and tuition costs for the Pre-Practical Nursing Program will be covered by CMCSS and a TCAT grant.
Successful pre-practical nursing students will be guaranteed a seat at either TCAT Clarksville or TCAT Dickson as an adult student in the Practical Nursing program after high school graduation. Students will complete clinical hours in the summer between their HS graduation and adult TCAT enrollment in order to be able to sit for the CNA certification assessment and ensure a seamless transition into the adult program.
Entrance Requirements
- GPA: 2.5 or above
- A grade of 80 or better per course in Biology, Algebra I, and English
- ACT: 19 or higher score in Reading and Math OR successful passage of the state-wide HSEI examination (70-Reading and 70-Math)
Complete the Google Form (here). In-person interviews or virtual interviews will be scheduled for students who meet the entrance requirements.
Contact Dr. Karen Beard, Early Technical College Administrator, at [email protected].